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Shawnee’s Teresa Williams – Mom of the Month – – Athlete Spotlight – Rib Crib

Teresa Williams has been a sports mom for quite a while. She is the mother of five and she says that, while she loves to watch her kids compete and be successful at their sports, she also knows that there are other things that are just as important. 

“It is always important for young minds to know what their priorities are and make them have their mind set to those priorities,” she said. “They always need a little guidance because kids don’t always make the best choices even if they are trying to.”

Williams’ oldest son is Lane and he currently attends the University of New Mexico. He is a 2022 graduate of Shawnee High School. He played football and wrestled for Shawnee from seventh-grade all the way through his senior year. Twins Lance and Addison are in their senior year. Lance plays football and power lifts, while Addison plays soccer. Freshman Kyle plays football for the Wolves. The youngest, Amelia, is a kindergartener at Shawnee Early Childhood Center. 

Teresa is the financial secretary for her church, where she also takes care of the office. She is also serving in her third year as the president of the football booster club. 

“I love working alongside the other parents and coaches and getting to make sure the kids are taken care of,” she stated. 

The atmosphere around a school can play a big role in the success of the students, and Teresa says that she loves how Shawnee takes care of their students.

“I love how it feels like a family, you really get to know everyone,” Williams said. “I grew up in a larger city so you didn’t get to know a lot of people and parents didn’t know other parents like we do here. I know the principles and the athletic directors, all the coaches and it’s not because my kids are bad kids and get in trouble but it’s because Shawnee is an amazing community and family that truly loves and cares about our kids. The football parents are amazing also, they all come together and support each other and work together. If I need help or need something I know a lot of them that I can reach out to and they will step in and help at the drop of a hat no matter what. We truly have an amazing community here in Shawnee.”

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